3dfx glide crash
3dfx glide crash

3dfx glide crash

GLIDE2X.DLL - Glide for Voodoo/Windows NTįXOEM2X.DLL - OEM extension file for Glide on Voodoo/Windows NTįXGPIO.SYS - Windows NT Device Driver for Voodoo GraphicsįXPTL.SYS - Windows NT Device Driver for Voodoo Graphics


\NT40 - Folder with Windows NT 4.0 drivers RICHED20.DLL - Redistributable Dynamic Library VOODOO2.INF - INF file for installing driversģDFXV2PS.DLL - Voodoo 2 Display Control PageģDFXV2PS.HLP - Help file for Voodoo 2 Display Control PageĤ0COMUPD.EXE - Microsoft Redistributable Common UpdateĬSH.DLL - Redistributable Dynamic Library VOODOO2.HLP - Voodoo2 Control Panel Help file GLIDE2X.DLL - Glide for Voodoo2/WIN32 (Supports GLIDE 2.2 or higher)įXOEM2X.DLL - OEM extension file for Glide on Voodoo2/WIN32 MSVCRT.DLL - Microsoft Redistributable File RC1įXMEMMAP.VXD - Voodoo VXD for mapping memory * Voodoo2 DirectX Driver Version: 2.16 RC1 * Glide Driver Version: 2.50 RC1 (for WinNT 4.0) * Glide Driver Version: 2.50 RC1 (for Win95) * Direct3D v2.16 Drivers and Glide v2.50 RC1 (Win32) Drivers Here is an excerpt from the readme file to let you know what the version numbers are for this Creative driver set: At a distance, you can see objects, but they are yellow all over. You can only see the 3D textures on objects when you are really close to them. I get the splash screen, and the game runs fine, but it looks bizarre. ovl file from the Creative Labs driver disk into the game directory, and it works (sort of). AD would kick me back to the desktop when I tried to used the 3dfx version of the program. The machine is using the latest 3dfx Reference drivers (I think the Glide version is 2.56). If you want to avoid damaging your Voodoo2 card, you should probably stick to the drivers released by your card's manufacturer for that particular card, the 3dfx Voodoo2 Reference drivers, or 3rd party drivers designed to work specifically with Voodoo2.Įdit: I unpacked my old 233 MHz Pentium machine and fired it up. 3dfx and Voodoo/Voodoo2 manufacturers didn't produce drivers with the sort of unified design that NVIDIA has which span multiple generations of cards. The differences between a given Voodoo and Voodoo2 will be even greater than the differences between two Voodoo2 cards from two different manufacturers since the Voodoo and Voodoo2 are two separate designs, so you can't really expect driver compatibility. ovl file IS the DOS driver for the card, so unless a card is an exact clone of a 3dfx reference design, it will have slightly different capabilities and operating characteristics which will require a different driver (.ovl file) to fully exploit the card's capabilities. Also, it might pay to try the overlay file from the drivers for your specific card (if they are available) since it seemed to help some of the folks seeking assistance from Blue Byte:

3dfx glide crash

I recall having to try a number of different versions before I stumbled across one that worked. I would suggest that you try earlier versions as well, particularly in the vicinity of Version 2.43. You mentioned that you used the overlay file from the Version 2.56 Reference Drivers. I also recall that I was able to get 3dfx support to work with the Creative Labs Voodoo2, but it had texture problems and other peculiarities as well (it looked more like a hack than a proper patch). I do recall that I had zero success getting 3dfx support to work with the Voodoo5. Unfortunately, I didn't take any notes, so I can't remember exactly what I did. I also tried to get it to work in a Pentium III 933 MHz system with a Voodoo5 card.


I remember trying to get the 3dfx patch to work on a Pentium MMX 233 MHz processor with a Creative Labs Voodoo2 card years ago. if it is necessary to use special sst environment variables to make the voodoo2 voodoo1 compatible (like sometimes with early win95 games) if the game needs a specific version of the glide2x.ovl (and the glide2x.dll?) to run Unfortunately the last group didn't say HOW.

3dfx glide crash

I searched the internet and various forums and there were people saying that it doesn't work, while others said it works without problems. Then I choose a training mission, but as soon as the game shifts from the briefing into the "3d-action-screen" it freezes.Ī hardware conflict seems unlikely, the game worked fine with a voodoo 1 installed. The game starts normally without 3dfx splash screen but also without the well known "no voodoo card" detected message into its main svga menu.

3dfx glide crash

The farest I could go was to replace the original glide2x.ovl of the game with the glide2x.ovl that came with the 3dfx reference drivers (ovl date: 12-16-1999, glide2x.dll version: 2.56). I try to play Archimedean Dynasty (aka "Schleichfahrt") with a voodoo2 - but no matter what I do, it doesn't work, nor under plain DOS 6.2, neither within the dos mode of WIN98SE. I'm new to this forum and I would be glad if somebody could answer the following question(s):

3dfx glide crash